5 Recipes The Most Delicious Traditional Hawker
March 18, 2018
Traditional Foods - Traditional Snacks is a typical snack from Indonesia that has existed since time immemorial. Usually the Javanese call Traditional Hawker with the name of Jajanan Market or Tenongan.
Types of Traditional Halibut is very diverse and it is guaranteed not to lose with the restaurant-style snacks. Traditional snacks are usually marketed in traditional markets as well and around towns and villages using large shaped tenong containers.
Traditional Hajj snacks apparently still exist, even now many restaurants and taverns or coffee serving snacks various traditional snacks, of course with a little touch of a different creations of the original form or taste.
Traditional jajanan creations usually served in restaurants or stores that hang out only on the use of contents, toppings, and presentation only, for the form and the basic ingredients of making the same remains. Just a little touch to create more interesting food creations turns out to be one of the best ways to attract customers with ease.
So for those of you who are interested and like culinary business, remember this one trick is to continue to create different cuisines with the cuisine of others, although the same but try to make different and more interesting. For those of you who do not like culinary business, then you also have to learn to create cooking, so that the family at home at home and the baby is not snack carelessly and not easily bored.
5 Recipes The Most Delicious Traditional Snacks that we often encounter in Traditional Hawker Sellers and many who love it up to now include: Pie Pie, Cake Poured Rangin Cake, Cake Dadar Roll, and Klepon Kue.
5 Recipes The Most Delicious Traditional Cooking will be presented in full and clear only at you
First, Recipe Kue Pukis
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Resep Kue Pukis |
- Bahan Kue Pukis:
- The material needed to make a pie is very simple. The main material needed is 150 grams of good quality Flour Flour. Use flour that has high protein content. For brands, please use your favorite brand.
- The second ingredient is about 100 grams of sugar. If you can use white sugar, if yellow do not contain the smell of sugar cane.
- The third ingredient is coconut milk as much as 180 ml only. Use coconut milk from coconut juice to make the results more tasty and legit.
- The fourth ingredient is an instant yeast of about half a tablespoon.
- The fifth material is a medium size chicken egg as much as 3 pcs.
- The sixth material is warm water to taste. Prepare for approximately 60 ml only.
- The seventh material is a decoration or topping of a pukis recipe. Friends can use chocolate grains or meises, strawberry jam, grated cheese, roasted peanuts or other materials according to taste.
- Eight ingredients of cooking oil or margarine to taste to cook the pie pastry.
Paint prints or can also use mud cake mold or semi-spherical apem.
- How To Make Pie Cake:
- Like the materials needed, how to make a pukis very simple. The first step prepare a small pot and enter 180 ml of prepared coconut milk. Light the stove with medium heat and stir the coconut milk until boiling. Do not stop stirring to keep the coconut milk from breaking.
- Prepare a small container. Enter the prepared yeast and water. Stir and mix both ingredients until well mixed and the water bubbly.
- Take another rather large container. Add 3 eggs and mix with prepared sugar. Stir and shake both ingredients until smooth and fluffy.
- Enter wheat flour which has a high protein content bit by bit while still stirred until completely mixed well. Stirring process can use a spatula. Repeat until all of the starch ingredients are gone and make sure there are no blobs in the dough.
- Take the water mixed with the yeast and add to the flour mixture bit by bit while still stirring so that the mixture is well blended.
- Enter the coconut milk into the dough on a little bit while still stirring. Repeat until the ingredients of coconut out and mix well.
- Let stand the dough over approximately 15-16 minutes to expand.
- Prepare cake molds or can also use another cake mold. Turn on medium to low heat and apply a mold using margarine or oil just to keep it from sticking.
- Pour the cookie dough into the mold, but not to the brim.
- Wait until the dough is slightly cooked and sprinkle the garnish or toping it (the dough does not need to be reversed).
- Lift after ripe and dry print edges.
Second, Cake Recipe Cucur
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Cake Recipe Cake |
- Poured Cake Ingredients:
- 125 grams of rice flour
- 30 grams of medium protein flour
- 125 grams of brown sugar
- 2 pieces of pandan leaves
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 230 ml air
- How To Make Pie Cake:
- The first step we will do is boil water as much as 230 ml, pandan leaves and brown sugar until the sugar dissolves and boils. Then strain and let stand until warm (not too hot).
- Then we mix the rice flour, salt and wheat flour. Then we pour brown sugar solution little by little while continuing to diuleni.
- After the dough cake slightly thickened, keplok keplok (at struck) for about 30 minutes while given a little brown sugar solution until it runs out.
- After that we let the batter dough for about 40 minutes.
- We heat cooking oil as much as 4 tablespoons into the cake pie (small concave frying pan).
- Pour the batter in a mold and then flush with hot oil until the cake puffs expands and fibers.
- Pivot the center of the cake with a toothpick. Do it while rotating it so that the raw part of the cake comes along. We turn the cake briefly and lift
Third, Recipe Dadar Rolls
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Cake Dadar Roll Recipe |
- Ingredients of Cake Dadar Rolls:
- 50 grams of black sticky rice flour
- 125 grams of wheat flour
- 1 egg
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 3 tbsp cooking oil
- Ingredients Content of Rolls Dumplings:
- 150 grams of sugar
- 1/2 half-graded coconut, peeled and grated lengthwise
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon vanilla powder
- 1 pandan leaves
- How To Make Flat Roll Cake:
- For the skin: Mix the flour and glutinous flour with water, eggs, and salt. Stir well.
- Add the cooking oil, stirring until evenly distributed.
- Heat a flat skillet size 20cm, rub with a little oil, make a thin omelet then set aside.
- For the contents: Mix coconut with sugar, vanilla powder, salt and pandan leaves. Stir well and steam for 15 minutes.
- Finally: take a thin sheet of omelette that has been made, then fill with 2sdm of contents, then roll.
- Serve Scrambled Dadar on a serving plate and decorate as beautifully as possible, complete with fla, or grated cheese on top.
- Notes Creating Flour Cake Rolls:
- For this Sweet Coconut Roll Dried Rolls Recipe I use the Sand Sugar as the contents of Kadar Dadar Gulung itself.
- You can replace the contents with Red Sugar, and of course it also tastes good with the use of Sand Sugar.
- Rice flour, 250 grams
- Santan, 400 ml of 1/2 coconut
- Liquid milk, 600 ml of 1/2 coconut
- Salt to taste
- Sugar, 50 grams, for sprinkling
- Medium coconut, 250 grams, grated elongate
- Chicken egg, 2 eggs, shake
- Cooking oil / margarine to taste, for spread
- How to Make Rangin Cake:
- Mix 100 grams of rice flour and thick coconut milk, mix well.
- Cook over medium heat while stirring constantly. Lift and set aside.
- Mix the remaining rice flour, medium coconut, stew rice flour dangaram, mix well.
- Add eggs and liquid milk, mix well.
- Hot cans are pancakes, oles with or margarine.
- Pour batter up to 3/4 tall mold. Cook until cooked. Lift, serve with a sprinkling of granulated sugar on top. (For 30 pieces of Pancong or Rangin Cake).
- Rangin Cake Tips:
- Make sure the mold is hot when the dough is poured.
- When baking cakes pancong, use a small fire to mature evenly.
- In order for the fragrant dough, just add pandan leaves when boiling coconut milk and rice flour.
Fifth, Recipe Original Klepon Kettle
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Kue Klepon Recipe |
- Noodles Klepon Original Cake:
- Flour Rice with good quality as much as 50 gram. We recommend using a favorite brand that is well known for good results.
- Pandan Green Pasta as much as approximately 2 small spoons or teaspoon.
- Finely ground glutinous flour 250 grams. Better in syak first so that the result will be soft.
- Java Red Sugar as much as 190 grams to 220 grams. Thinner thin slices so that later easily inserted into the klepon cake adoanan later.
- Iodized smooth kitchen salt as much as a quarter of a small spoon or teaspoon.
- Clean water matures as much as 280 ml. gram. Can be added or reduced until the dough is fitted.
- 1 fresh pandan leaves. Wash it first before use.
- whiting as much as a quarter of a small spoon and water as much as 50 ml to make lime water.
- Half the Coconut (not too old) and grated.
- How to Make Original Margarine Klepon:
- The first step is to make the water chalk. Mix and apply a spoon of lime betel and its water. Take Chalk Water as much as 2 small spoons.
- Take one container for the dough. Enter 250 grams of Glutinous Flour and Rice Flour as much as 50 grams. Mix both ingredients until well blended.
- Add 2 tablespoons of pandanus paste and its lime water. Stir briefly.
- Enter the mature water bit by bit while stirring into the flour dough on top. Add if in the dough is still too thick and hard in shape.
- Take the dough over and shape it like a ball and flip it off. The amount of dough please adjusted to the size of the cake that will be made.
- Take a few slices of brown sugar. put it on top of the flat top and then round the shape like a ball. do this process until the dough of Klepon's rsep and madness reds out.
- Heat water to boil the adoannay with medium heat. After the fire boils, insert one by one of the batter form when it is topped into it.
- Wait until the dough is floated in its boiling water. Drain briefly and then prepare the steamer.
- Take one medium-size container and insert the grated coconut, a quarter of agram small spoon and pandan leaves. Stir and mix until smooth and steamed for a while.
- Take the cake above and put it inside the coconut grater on top. Simply roll over until the outer shell is covered with grated coconut. Repeat this process for all cakes to make.
- Make sure all parts of the outer skin of klepon are covered with coconut and serve.