Recipe Cuisine How To Make Yellow Rice
March 18, 2018
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Recipes and How to Make Ricecooker Yellow Rice - Morning ma, how are weather conditions in today's Tigers? if the place Mamud nih Ma each with the condition of overcast so wet-sad how Ma hehehe. but it does not diminish the spirit of Mamud to share information and the Latest Recipe. By the way ya Ma mamud be remember when the working time first in the morning had to queue to buy breakfast that is Yellow Rice, he is quite cheap price Ma for children kosan first but it seems not wrong loh Ma original endeus. Due to want to nostalgic young age Mamud, today Mamud going share Yellow Rice Recipe that is guaranteed easy and tasty.
Yellow Rice Ricecooker is one of the food that is easy and practical really loh Ma to try, because it does not need much time to membesutnya especially for Mama Mama Muda that many activities at home and outside home. And very suitable also to be served when birthday events, arisan, family event etc. So already do not need to buy again deh Ma hehehe.
How To Make Ricecooker Yellow Rice
RECENT RECENT RECENT DRAFT Ricecooker is a popular Rice Cooking Recipe among the people on certain occasions, besides because it tastes good that is decorated with a wide range of side dishes and vegetables adds its own interest to eat it. Yellow rice ma is very easy to make and the materials used are also easy to find, let alone do not need to use liwet-liwet so Ma karna pake ricecooker was so deh. yuk Ma see the reviews of Mamud below.
Ricecooker Yellow Rice Ingredients
Material :- prepare first Ma 1 liter of rice, wash it first,
- enough water,
- coconut milk 1 pack,
- prepare also enough cooking oil,
- 3 stalks, first geprek,
- 3 bay leaves.
- prepare garlic 3 cloves,
- onion 4 pieces,
- ginger 1 small segment aja Ma,
- turmeric 3 segment, and
- salt to taste.
Ricecooker Yellow Rice Making Process
How to make :- first sauteed spices that have been mashed with cooking oil to taste Ma,
- then add the serei and bay leaf, stir until the spices are cooked and smell good,
- after fragrant, add a little water and coconut milk, then stir until well blended,
- taste test first Ma, if it is fit to turn off the stove,
- then put the spice into the container of rice cooker or ricecooker previously filled rice,
- then add water and mix well,
- after that just turn on ricecookernya approximately 45 minutes of yellow rice was ready served,
- Lastly add a side dish and vegetables to suit her taste.