Know Storing Tips To Know To Be Long Lasting and Not Easy Stale
September 15, 2018
Know Storing Tips To Know To Be Long Lasting and Not Easy Stale
Having a stock of food that can be stored for a long time will certainly provide a lot of advantages for us moms at home. The reason is this way then of course we do not need continuous grocery shopping every day every time to cook.
Not to mention, as we know that the process of processing food into a finished dish is not an easy process and fast. There are some foods that process the process takes a long time. Well, when coupled with shopping activities every time want to cook. So how much time do you spend preparing for a meal each meal?
This sort of thing will certainly take a lot of time and perhaps a starving family member can not wait so long to be able to enjoy this dish. For this reason, providing food at home becomes an important thing to do.
Know Storing Tips To Know To Be Long Lasting and Not Easy Stale
However, unfortunately not all of the food supplied at home has long endurance. Such as know which we know that this one material is really fragile with texture.
Never let it be stored for a long time one day and the next day know it might have been sour or stale. But this time we give tips to keep know to be durable and not easily stale. Even these tips allow you to keep knowing for 7 days without stale taste.
Notice the Conditions to Know When to Buy It
The important thing to keep in mind to keep the tofu in a long time and have a high enough resistance is when you buy it in the market or in the vegetable carpenter. The most common mistake in storing tofu even if you have noticed the tips on storing tofu for long lasting is located from this point.
For this reason, this one point becomes an important thing to note well. When you buy tofu from the market then pay close attention to the condition of the tofu itself. See how the freshness of the tofu you buy.
Make sure you buy fresh and unpolluted or dirty water. Because knowing that does not know what's fresh and maybe even when you buy something like this then it's just like you buy something that is not worth the consumption.
Therefore, when buying tofu even in supermarkets though it is important to pay attention to this issue well. When you buy fresh tofu then you will be able to keep the tofu for longer according to the advice of the tips this time.
Remove Air Know
Well, one more mistake that seems to be often done by mothers and mothers at home when buying tofu. The tendency to assume that tofu should be soaked in the soaking water obtained from tofu in the market is a mistake. And this is what affects the resilience of the tofu itself.
So it is, to keep to know more durable and mother will be able to use it whenever mother need it even though not at the same time. Then pay attention to dispose of the original tofu. Do not ever let it know in the water bath because this will damage the tofu.
Wash Tofu
Furthermore, after you dispose of water tofu that you get when you buy tofu in the market or in supermaket then immediately wash out until clean. Only, because the texture of the tofu is so soft and fragile then when you clean this dish it is important to do it slowly.
You can wash your tofu by using clean water flowing from the tap. When washing know there are some things to note that the mucus that is on the tofu and the smell of the tofu itself.
Washing techniques are done to eliminate both of these things from knowing what you just bought. So make sure when you wash them both the smell and the mucus in the tofu can be cleaned evenly so the tofu becomes more durable and durable.
Need to know in the mucus know there are fungi and bacteria that facilitate damage to the tofu. This is the one who makes the toake smells unpleasant. But by cleaning it you can eliminate the fungus and bacteria that exist in the tofu though not as a whole.
Replace the Tofu Container
In addition to washing tofu by using clean water. Another important thing that you need to do next is to replace the container know itself. This is an important point to note well because perhaps most mothers who face failure in storing tofu in a long time may be because they still use the same container when storing tofu.
For that reason, although know that the mother bought come in a container container is strong or interesting, but never store it in the refrigerator with the same container. Because this will probably make the tofu you save will not last long.
Conversely, when finished washing know then please replace it directly by using a new container. Try to select the container is an airtight container with an anti-spill cover. Such containers will be able to allow the tofu to be stored safely inside and fungi or bacteria from other materials when included in the refrigerator will not come into contact with the tofu.
Soak Tofu with Clean Water
After getting a container to store safe tofu for more durable. So next time it's important to pay attention to the water used to soak the tofu you save. Do not give dyes or other water types to soak tofu.
You will simply use clean, hygienic water. In this way it knows it will not be contaminated with other potentially damaging ingredients. If necessary you can use mineral water or use drinking water that has been cooked.
Boil Tofu with Salt Water
Another way that will provide resistance to the tofu you cook is to boil the tofu in the brine. Boil for about 4 minutes until salt seeps into it and locks the particles in the tofu more durable.
It's just that, even though you have boiled with salt water does not mean when you save know. You then use the same water when you boil it. Please replace the water by using clean water and keep the tofu in the refrigerator for durable. This method will provide longer durability even up to 1 week on tofu that you save.