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14 Best Home Remedies For Stomach Pain You Must Know

Stomach Pain
Stomach Pain Treatment at Home
Stomach pain is a very widespread problem almost everyone has experienced at one time or another. Stomachache may vary in the degrees of discomfort and related symptoms. Common symptoms you experience mild with stomach or abdominal pain are sharp pain in the stomach or abdomen, stomach cramps, gas, bloating, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. When you have a stomachache, even if it is mild stomach, it can be so annoying that it makes difficult to concentrate on anything. You want it to go away fast irrespective of the reason behind the stomachache. Oftentimes a natural home remedy will bring relief from the discomfort, no matter what is the cause of stomachache or abdominal pain you have, be it from nausea and heartburn to irritable bowel syndrome and everything in between.

What Causes a Stomach Ache?

There are number of different cause that may be behind your stomach pain. Here are some common causes of stomachaches:

·        Gastritis:Inflammation of the stomach mucus is lining known as Gastritis. Gastritis can be identified by symptoms like upper stomach pain, a feeling of fullness in your stomach, and nausea. A number of things caused gastritis that including bacterial infections, age, the use of certain drugs, or tobacco or alcohol use.
·        Acid reflux: Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid gets back, up into the esophagus. It is also known as gastrointestinal reflux disease. Acid reflux causes a painful and burning sensation in the stomach and behind the breastbone. Acid reflux generally caused by eating fatty or spicy foods or problems like a hiatal hernia.
·        Lactose intolerance: If you feel stomach pain, every time after drinking a glass of milk or eating cheese, you could be lactose intolerant. People with lactose intolerance do not have enough lactase enzyme to digest dairy products, which leads to stomach pain and other digestive issues.
·        Stress: Stress and anxiety can cause physical symptoms, including stomach cramp or pain.

Should You Treat Your Stomach Pain at Home?

Stomach pain most of the time are not very serious. You can safely go for natural remedies at home for common abdominal pain without consulting your doctor at first. However, stomach pain can also cause due to more serious issues like, gallstones, a hernia, an ulcer, a urinary tract infection or appendicitis. You need to call your doctor at once if you notice any of these symptoms:
v  Pain that does not improves in a couple of hours.
v  Pain is very intense in nature.
v  Feeling dizziness.
v  Persistent vomiting that more than one or two days.
v  Bloody or black, tar-like stool.

Try these home remedies for upset stomach if you are not having any of these symptoms.


How to Get Rid of a Stomach Ache: 14 Home Remedy for Stomach Pain        

These natural home remedies will definitely give you quick relief and are particularly more effective for stomachaches due to indigestion, gas, bloating and similar conditions. In this article, HEALTHY and FITNESS shares with you top 14 natural home remedies for upset stomach without any side effect.

1.      Drink Warm Salt Water
Stomach Pain
This remedy may sound simple but works wonders. Saltwater are generally used as a gargle for relief from sore throat, but it found that warm salt water is also good for aching stomach, too. For better relief chew a spoonful of carom seeds before drinking the glass of warm salt water. You can feel relief in just a couple of minute. This remedy is effective flatulence, indigestion, bloating and a disturbed stomach. 
How to USE:
Dissolve one teaspoon of salt into one glass of warm water and drink.

2.      Eat a Piece of Burned Toast
You probably already know that toast is one of the most helpful remedies for stomach pain. However, what you may not know burnt toast is a better solution for your upset stomach. Though it sounds strange, the toxins that make you feel sick are absorbed by the char. it to make it go down more easily, spread a little honey on it and you may also add a smear of jelly to make it palatable. Activated charcoal also works in a similar way and it will settle an upset stomach in minutes. Activated charcoal helps to absorb microbes and bad gut bacteria that can cause stomach issues.

3.      Peppermint
Stomach Pain
Peppermint is a highly effective herbal remedy for easing digestive distress and stomach pain. Peppermint leaves contain menthol, which have natural painkilling properties and soothe the digestive tract. This herb helps to calm stomach pain and intestinal contractions and prevent digestive muscles from erratic tension, which are often the cause of nausea and stomach pain.
How to USE:
Sip peppermint tea for easies stomachache.
Sniff on peppermint extract with boiling water to relive nausea.
Sucking on a peppermint candy or chewing the leaves helps best for alleviating feelings of nausea.
4.      Apple Cider Vinegar
Stomach Pain
Apple cider vinegar has wide range of health benefits, like remedy for hiccups and sore throat; it also can relieve you from stomach pain as well. Apple cider vinegar is quite effective for treating different digestive woes as it has the ability to stimulate the release of digestive juices that help the body break down food. It can help ease bloating, gas, indigestion, stomach cramp and heartburn.
There are two reasons for this.
First, apple cider vinegar kills bacteria, so if the abdominal pain is due to a bacterial infection in your stomach, this vinegar can control the infection. Healthy acids present in apple cider vinegar like acetic, lactic, isobutyric and propionic acid arresting the growth of unwanted bacteria and yeast in the stomach and throughout the abdomen and thereby improves digestive health.
Second, apple cider vinegar reduces acid reflux by balancing the gastric acid.
How to USE:
Never drink apple cider vinegar on its own, the acid present in the vinegar can damage your teeth. Mix a spoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of warm water and a spoonful of honey or fruit juice. Take this mixture within 5-minutes of your first sip so the vinegar can quickly begin action on your digestion system.

5.      Baking Soda to Settle Your Stomach
Baking Soda or Sodium bicarbonate is a very potent antacid that can settle your stomach in seconds. It helps to relieve stomach pain arising from indigestion, acid reflux, heartburn, and symptoms common to peptic ulcer disease. Most commercial antacids have baking soda as the active ingredient. Acidity can develop from spicy foods, alcohol, eating too much, stress and other factors. Overproduction of stomach acids tends to interfere with the normal digestive process. Other issues such as nausea, indigestion, bloating, or vomiting are often accompanied with acidity. In acid reflux this acids to go back into the esophagus, resulting that causes heartburn. Frequent acid reflux may even permanently damage the walls of the esophagus, or lead to cancer in worst cases. Consumption of baking soda neutralizes the effects of acid to support better digestion. Remainder: Never consume baking soda if you are diagnosed with ulcer.  
How to USE:
Just dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of warm water and drink it. You can drink it whenever you are suffering from stomach pain, heartburn and acid reflux.

6.      Try Some Ginger
Stomach Pain
Ginger is an effective natural remedy for stomach pain and nausea used for many years by ancient cultures. Ginger has soothing effects on the digestive system and for stomach issues including indigestion, nausea, cramps, bloating etc. Natural compounds present in ginger fight inflammation, reduce excess stomach acid, and stimulate digestion. Ginger’s gastro-protective properties blocks acid secretion and suppress helicobacter pylori, bacteria found in the stomach. Study (2007) conducted by the Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition at the Central Food Technological Research Institute in Karnataka, India, showed that ginger is more effective for preventing ulcers than lansoprazole, a drug commonly prescription for ulcer.
How to USE:
Use a fresh piece of ginger root to get soothing relief quickly.
Just cut thin slices of ginger root and chew on them.
If you do not like the strong flavor of raw Ginger, you can make tea instead. To make ginger tea, slice or grate one to two tablespoons of ginger root and allow it to steep for about 10 minutes in two cups of boiling water. Preferably, you should sip it as a preventative about 20 minutes before every meal. You may add some honey, lemon, or mint to improve the taste.

7.      Have a Bowl of Yogurt
Stomach Pain
You may try to avoid a dairy product during an upset stomach but yogurt is a very effective remedy for stomachache. If you want to get rid of cramps, just one cup of yogurt will work magical for your aching stomach. Yogurt is loaded with probiotics (good bacteria) that can improve your digestion and restore balance to your gut. Go for a non-fat plain yogurt with no added flavor to calm you upset stomach. Choose a plain yogurt rather than the sweetened kind, as the sugar can upset your stomach even more.
How to USE:
Use fresh yogurt. Make it at your home if possible. If you do not like the taste of plain yogurt, mix in a few berries or sprinkle a little honey over the top, to taste it better. If you have chronic stomach problem, make yogurt part of your diet every day for long-term relief.

8.      Chamomile Tea
Stomach Pain
Stress and anxiety can worsen symptoms of stomach cramps and pain. Chamomile tea can help with stomach pain by reduces inflammation in your stomach and eases tension throughout your body. Chamomile tea calms the nerves and checks the pain in the excited stomach. If you cannot sleep throughout the night due stomachache sipping chamomile tea will help you. Chamomile tea is known for its ability to help one relax that can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.
How to USE:
To make a cup of refreshing chamomile tea, steep loose dried chamomile flower or chamomile tea bag in boiling water for ten to fifteen minutes. You may also add lemon to boost its healing property.

9.      Drink Lemon Juice
Stomach Pain
Lemon helps get rid of stomach pain but also taste and smell good. The acid in lemon juice gives your digestion a boost by triggers your own stomach to produce more acid. Citric acid present in lemon juice stimulates the natural hydrochloric acid production in your stomach that breaks down the food. 
How to USE:
Mix a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice to hot water and slowly sip this solution. Mixing slice of ginger to this mixture will give added benefits.

10. Fennel to Soothe Your Stomach
Stomach Pain
For centuries, fennel seeds been used as traditional medicine in Chinese, Indian, Egyptian and Greek cultures. Herbal formulas used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat gastroenteritis, hernias, and indigestion, contain fennel seeds. Fennel seeds improve digestion, soothe stomach pain, and reduce gas and bloating.  These seeds are very useful in infants with colic or gas. According to research reported by Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine in 2003, a significant reduction in colic symptoms when compared to placebo was noticed in infants who were given fennel seed oil.
How to USE:
Chew few raw fennel seed to relive your aching stomach and improve digestion. Chewing the seeds also work well for treating bloating and indigestion.
You may steep fennel seeds in hot water to make fennel tea, and sip this tea slowly.

11. Drink Rice Water
It may sound strange, but rice water or rice tea actually works to get rid of upper stomach pain. Rice water or rice tea is the water that is left over after you cook rice. If you are, have stomach upset or suffering from diarrhea, drinking a rice “tea” can help resolve it. How does it work? Rice, when boiled in water releases compounds that give a protective coating inside your stomach, which in turn reduces the pain caused by ulcers or gastritis.
How to USE:
Making Rice Tea is very simple, boil a half-cup of white or brown rice in six cups of water for 15 to 20 minutes. Strain out the rice to collect the rice water. Catch the leftover liquid in a bowl underneath strainer. Cool this liquid. Drink it to soothe your stomach pain.  You may add lemon juice or honey to taste it.

12. Papaya
Stomach Pain
Papaya traditionally has a natural digestive property and used for peptic ulcers, upset stomach, heartburn and diarrhea for long time. Papaya contains papain, a natural digestive enzyme, that helps break up protein in your food and relive the irritating the stomach. Eating papaya on an empty stomach makes the enzymes actually have more potent. The papaya induced ulcer-preventative mucous secretion. Papaya also lowers acidity levels by breaking down the complex proteins naturally. The fruit also aid with constipation.

13. Use a Heating Pad or Hot Water Bottle
Stomach Pain
If you are still wondering how to get rid of cramps, heat is a simple but effective remedy for stomach pain. The heat speeds up the digestion process by increasing circulation around the stomach. Proper digestion of the food alleviates stomach pain. The heat provides the warmth in your abdominal area can help to distract you from the pain and discomfort. Generating heat relaxes your muscles to ease your abdominal tension and brings relief as well. Heat is also effective to reduce nausea.
How to USE:
Use a hot water bottle or heating pad. Remember; do not warm it so hot that it will burn you. Place the hot pack for at least 15 minutes on your lower abdomen as you lie on your back. Reheat as required.

14. Practice Yoga
Stomach Pain
Most of these are internal remedies to get rid of stomach pain; you may also find long-term relief through yoga poses. There are many yoga poses, which stimulates digestion and maintain acid balance in your stomach. You need to practice yoga regularly to get rid of stomach and digestive issues in future.
How to DO:
Try a knees-to-stomach pose (Apanasana) for quick relief. Lie down comfortable on your back. Gently draw your knees up to your chest. Wrap your arms around your shins. Keep your back flat on the floor. Hold in this position for one minute, and then slowly release it to normal position. Pavanamuktasana (Wind Removing Pose) also helps in digestive disorders.

Next time you are having a bout of indigestion or acid reflux try these easy home remedies for your upset stomach. However, you should visit your doctor immediately, if your stomach pain persists for more than three days and you are having symptoms like fever and headache.

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