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This 5 Benefits Morning Bath

 One of the ways that the body is more fresh and vibrant throughout the day is to bathe in the morning. Unfortunately, because of the rush or dislike of cold water, some people prefer to skip the bathing activity in the morning. In fact, bathing in the morning has many health benefits, you know. In order to make you more sure, take a look at five benefits of a morning bath with cold water following, yuk! (Also read: 4 Benefits of Morning Bath Har for Body )
1. Increase Energy
The study, published in the journal PLOS One, says that the energy boost obtained during a morning shower is "similar" to the energy gained after consuming caffeine. This is because when cold water touches the skin, the body will respond by "breathing" because of the intake of oxygen in the skin. As a result, the blood will pump rapidly throughout the body and the heart rate increases, thus making the body more energetic throughout the day.
2. Improving the Mood
Bathing in the morning can not only cleanse the body, but also the mind. This is because a study conducted by Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine found that a morning bath can stimulate the brain's blue dot which is a source of noradrenaline, an organic chemical in the brain that serves to reduce stress levels and depression. Another study also mentioned that when the skin comes in contact with cold water during the morning bath, automatically the hormone endorphins will be produced. The existence of these hormones can reduce pain, trigger feelings of pleasure, calm, and happy.
3. Increase Body Resistance
Cold water can improve circulation by pushing blood around the organs. This is because when the cold water that hit the body can spur the arterial performance in pumping blood, thus improving heart health as a whole. This condition can also trigger a decrease in blood pressure and improve the immune system. In addition, bathing with cold water can also multiply the production of white blood cells in the body that play a role in fighting various viruses and disease seeds. As a result, when the production of white blood cells increases, the immune system will be stronger.
4. Improve Skin and Hair Condition
If you often have dull skin and hair loss, you can try to take a shower with cold water. This is because the morning shower with cold water can moisturize and tighten the pores, so it can prevent dirt entry which resulted in clogged pores of the skin. In addition, according to expert dermatology, Jessika Krant, bathing in the morning with cold water can tighten the skin because it improves blood flow, and make hair become more healthy and shine.
5. Reduce Pain
After doing physical exercise, you can take a morning shower with cold water to help heal sick body parts. That's why some athletes do a cold shower to prevent muscle pain after exercise. This is evidenced in a 2009 study that found that cold water bath can effectively reduce muscle pain one to four days after exercise. But before deciding to take a shower, you should give pause about 20-30 minutes after exercise until the sweat dry and body temperature back to normal.
Because of the many benefits of bathing in the morning, it's good you fight the "mager" taste for a morning shower. You are free to choose to take a morning shower with warm water or cold water, because both are equally nutritious for health. However, if you want to feel the benefits of a morning shower with cold water, the ideal cold water temperature is 21 degrees Celsius. Instead, you are not recommended to take a bath with ice water or water that is lower than the experts' recommendation.

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